Pepperdata is the only cost optimization solution that delivers up to 47% greater cost savings—continuously and in real -time—on Amazon EMR and Amazon EKS with no application changes or manual tuning. Our customers include top enterprises such as Citibank, T-Mobile, Autodesk, Securonix, Royal Bank of Canada, and those in the Fortune 5.
Pepperdata autonomous cost optimization delivers 30-47% greater cost savings for data-intensive workloads such as Apache Spark on Amazon EMR and Amazon EKS with no application code changes. Using patented algorithms, Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer autonomously optimizes CPU and memory in real time with no application code changes. Pepperdata automatically analyzes resource usage in real time, identifying where more work can be done. It then communicates to the system scheduler to add tasks to nodes with available resources and spin up new nodes only when existing nodes are fully utilized. The result: CPU and memory are autonomously and continuously optimized, without delay and without the need for recommendations to be applied, and the need for ongoing manual tuning is safely eliminated. Pepperdata pays for itself, immediately decreasing instance hours/waste, increasing Spark utilization, and freeing developers from manual tuning to focus on innovation.