Primary Goal: Quickly bring new products and features to market with an accurate price point.
Product groups manage the business or products of the organization, focusing on the value created by IT for the organization’s customers or constituents. Product Owners manage the business end of what the organization does, and work with Engineering to develop the applications or systems to deliver digital value in the cloud. Roles within the Product Persona include Business Operations, Product Managers, Program Managers, Systems Analyst, or Product Owner.
- Accelerate Product Growth YoY
- Decrease time to market
- Deliver innovative, market leading solutions cost effectively
- Unpredictable, sometimes chaotic, cloud spend
- Cannot predict the costs closely enough for new features and products resulting in pricing misses
- Cannot predict how costs will change when launching existing products in new regions/markets
Key Metrics
- Revenue Growth
- Gross Margins
- COGS (Cost of Goods Sold)
- Unit Cost Economics – Cost per customer, Cost per product/feature
FinOps Benefits
- Manage risk
- Connect product decisions with business outcomes
- Predict how much cloud infrastructure will factor into feature/ product price
- Guide team to make good cloud investments