Vasilio Markanastasakis
FinOps Foundation
Key Insight: In addition to all major cloud infrastructure providers, third-party FinOps tool vendors are adopting FOCUS for their platforms. Thousands of Practitioners rely on these tools to perform FinOps in their organizations. To help Practitioners understand this landscape, the FinOps Foundation will continue to track vendor adoption, and will update this article as vendors add support.
With the launch of FOCUS 1.0 and adoption of FOCUS by AWS, Google, Microsoft, and Oracle, FinOps Practitioners can now obtain and use FOCUS datasets for multi-cloud FinOps analysis. This source-agnostic billing standard is much-needed, as organizations must manage not just cloud infrastructure costs, but also SaaS, licensing, and on-premises costs. Some Practitioners rely heavily on third-party tools to assist with analysis of these costs, so we want to help the community understand which of their tools and service providers are adopting FOCUS.
Tracy Woo, Principal Analyst at Forrester, wrote in a recent blog:
CCMO vendors that don’t support FOCUS are standardizing on a soon to be antiquated process.
As organizations look to renew or find new tools and services to help them get the most out of their cloud investments, they’ll seek vendors who are aligning with this new billing standard.
Visit the FOCUS website to see a full list of all vendors known to us who support FOCUS in some way, including vendors who are not Member of the FinOps Foundation. These include:
Cloud Service Providers who have adopted FOCUS
FinOps tooling vendors who have adopted FOCUS
If you are a cloud vendor who has adopted FOCUS but are not listed below, please let us know so we can update this page.
The FinOps Foundation also tracks the Landscape of vendor Members who have adopted FOCUS. To view the list of these tools, navigate to the, and select “FOCUS Adopter” from the left side menu. If you wish, you can further filter by Categories: Tools or Services.
(Note this Landscape list is limited to vendors who are Members of the FinOps Foundation.)
FinOps Foundation Vendor Landscape
FinOps Practitioners can start to familiarize themselves with FOCUS data in a number of ways:
The largest Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) are already generating FOCUS-formatted billing files, and these vendors continue to adopt FOCUS terminology in their platforms and align their APIs to the requirements in the Specification. But FOCUS goes beyond CSP adoption; many FinOps tool vendors support FOCUS data ingestion, and some are generating reports using FOCUS attributes and metrics. All CSPs and FinOps tool vendors should aim for full alignment with FOCUS.
All cloud software vendors will eventually be called upon to adopt FOCUS, as a growing number of FinOps teams are managing costs beyond public cloud, including SaaS and license costs, private cloud costs, and costs from other technology data sources. We encourage all cloud vendors to:
In the future, the FOCUS Steering Committee will define FOCUS Conformance Certification criteria for FinOps vendors and cloud vendors. The FOCUS Conformance Certification process will evaluate those who generate or consume FOCUS datasets for alignment with the requirements in the FOCUS Specification. The FinOps Foundation will perform this evaluation of a vendor’s ability to do such things as:
We expect the FOCUS Conformance Certification program to be announced next year. Until this time, the FinOps Landscape will indicate those Tool Vendors that have announced any adoption of support for the FOCUS Specification. This information will be updated once the details of the conformance certification program are available.